Hello Gilbert H. Hood Families,
I hope you and your family have had an enjoyable weekend, with a little dusting of snow to add to the festive season!
Here’s a couple items to share with you this week:
Report Cards - 12.09.2024
Trimester 1 Learning Reports will be available on Monday, December 9. An email will be sent.
Music Concerts
Our Band and Chorus students will be performing their concerts during the week of December 16:
Chorus Concert: Monday, December 16, 6:00 pm
Band Concert: Tuesday, December 17, 6:00 pm
Music students will also perform music assemblies for all our students on Monday, December 16.
Husky Herald - November/December Issue
The Husky Herald Club completed their first issue for the 2024-2025 school year. Click on the image below to open the digital flipbook and enjoy the work of these amazing students!
Holiday Spirit Week - begins 12.16.2024 (flyer attached)
(sponsored by Student Council)
Messages for Families of Eighth Grades
Here is a link to a Pinkerton message for current eighth grade students and their families: Class of 2029 Orientation and Course Scheduling Events .
Upcoming Dates**
December 9: Trimester 1 Report Cards
December 11: Early Release Day , 11:45 dismissal
December 16: Chorus Concert, 6:00 pm
December 17: Band Concert, 6:00 pm
December 16-20: Holiday Spirit Week
December 23-January 1: Holiday Break - No School
**To keep up to date on the daily happenings at GHH, be sure to check our daily announcements that are posted on our school website under the “Resources” tab. The Morning Meeting Notices spreadsheet is constantly updated and available for reference.