Board Meetings
Derry Cooperative School District School Board meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the Muncipal Center, 14 Manning Street Derry, NH. Regular meetings are broadcast live on Derry CAM TV. Special meetings and Fiscal Advisory Committee meetings are held in the Cafeteria at West Running Brook Intermediate School, 1 West Running Brook Lane Derry, NH. Meetings are broadcast live on YouTube or on Vimeo.
Below is the 2024-2025 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and will now be located at the Derry Municipal Center, 14 Manning Street, 3rd Floor Meeting Room. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- JULY 9 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: 2024-2025 School Board Meeting Schedule, Enrollment July 9, 2024, Meal Pricing for 24-25 School Year, Next Charter School Farm to School (F2S) School Gardens Grant
- JULY 23 (School Board Workshop) (agenda, video)
attachments: Facilities Priorities V1.2, Secondary Considerations V1.1, WRB Facade Repart-Gale & Assoc.
- AUGUST 6 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: RFP Superintendent Search, 2024 Facilities Bond Template, District Enrollment 2024-2025
- AUGUST 27 (agenda, minutes, video)
attachments: 2022-2023 Audit Report_Derry CSD FS23 - Final, Budget Meetings Schedule, Curriculum Update 8.27.24, Strategic Plan Update_DCSD Community Engagement Synthesis June 2024 w Appendix, Unassigned Fund Balance for Board
- SEPTEMBER 9* (Monday) (agenda)
- attachments: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Letter, September 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, September 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Unreserved Fund Balance
- SEPTEMBER 24 (agenda)
attachments: 2024 Facilities Bond Proposal 9.24, 2024 Facilities Bond Proposal.xlsx - All Projects with Proposed, Student Success Centers - Board Presentation 9_24_24
- OCTOBER 8 (agenda)
- attachments: 2024 Facilities Bond Proposal, Pinkerton Academy FY 2024 Annual Audited Financial Report, Policy BEDDA - School Board Meeting Rules of Procedure and Order, Policy DFB - Rental and Service Charges, Policy EEA - Transportation - Riders, Policy IMGB - Therapy Animals, Volunteer Fingerprinting - Evening Session Flyer
- NOVEMBER 14* (Thursday)
NOVEMBER 25* (Monday)
- MARCH 10* (Monday)
- MAY 13
MAY 27* (Recognition of Retirees will be held at West Running Brook Intermediate School
- JUNE 10
Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at the Derry Municipal Center, 14 Manning Street, 3rd Floor Meeting Room, at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted*.
Below is the 2023-2024 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and will now be located at the Derry Municipal Center, 14 Manning Street, 3rd Floor Meeting Room. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- JULY 25 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: 2023-2024 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, Davis Demographics - Derry Cooperative School District July 25, 2023, District Restructuring Project Plan, First Student Transportation Agreement for Services, First Student Trip Rates 2023 - 2028, GBAA Exhibit, JBAA Exhibit, Lavallee Brensinger Architects 21-050-00 DCSD Amendment No2, Lavallee Brensinger Architects DCSD - Meeting 07122023-Schedule, Policy BBBF, Policy BEA, Policy CFAA, Policy DJ , Policy DJB-A, Policy DJB, Policy DKC, Policy GBAA, Policy JBAA, Policy JLCA, Policy JP-R
- AUGUST 8 - School Board Workshop, 6 PM, SAU office (agenda, minutes)
- attachments: Facility Options August 4, 2023
- AUGUST 22 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: 2 Adequacy NH-DOE, 3 ESSER III Honeywell HVAC Project Report, 3 ESSER III Honeywell HVAC Project Upgrades Summary 8-22-23, 4 a) Restructuring Plan Curriculum Update _5-6 School, 5 a) Davis Demographics Student Forecasts Proposal, 5 b) Lavallee Brensinger Contract, 5 c) *Facilities Repair Items - Summary Page, 5 c) _Warrant Article Options, 5 c) Facilities Repair Items - Barka, 5 c) Facilities Repair Items - East Derry, 5 c) Facilities Repair Items - Gilbert H Hood, 5 c) Facilities Repair Items - Grinnell , 5 c) Facilities Repair Items - South Range , 5 c) Facilities Repair Items - West Running Brook , 6 Unreserved Fund Balance as of 6-30-2023, 7 Single Federal Audit Report Year Ending June 30 2022, 8 Pinkerton Academy End-of-Year Credit Memo, 9 Local Food for Schools Cooperative Program Grant, 11 a) Policy BBBF, 11 b) Policy BEA, 11 c) Policy DJ , 11 d) Policy DJB, 11 e) Policy DJB-A, 11 f) Policy DKC, 11 g) Policy GBAA, 11 h) GBAA Exhibit, 11 i) Policy JBAA, 11 j) JBAA Exhibit, 11 k) Policy JLCA , 11 l) Policy JP-R,
- SEPTEMBER 7 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- SEPTEMBER 11 - School Board Workshop, 6 PM, SAU office (agenda, minutes)
- SEPTEMBER 12 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: 2022-2023 District Data Presentation_ SB 09.2023, 2022-2023 Unreserved Fund Balance Worksheet, 2024-2025 Budget Meetings Schedule, Business Administrator Update, Business Administrator's Update - Fiscal Update - FY24 - 09.07.23, Children's Dental Network Summary 2022-2023 Derry, Donation of Hoyer Lift, Social-Emotional Learning Presentation
- SEPTEMBER 13 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session - cancelled
- SEPTEMBER 26 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: 22-23 Unreserved Fund Balance - Revised Value, District Website_Website Platform Selection, Policy BEDH (current), Policy BEDH (updated), Policy BEDH_Sample Agenda, Restructuring Plan_Davis Demographics Boundary Meeting Presentation, SAU Property Appraisal_Opinion Letter 09_11_23, September 1, 2023 Enrollment Report (page 1), September 1, 2023 Enrollment Report (page 2)
- OCTOBER 10 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: 4 _Research Study - Presentation, 4 *Research Study_Dissertation Proposal October 2023, 4 Research Study - Dissertation Summary, 4 Research Study - Faculty Advisor Survey, 4 Research Study - Student Survey, 7 Strategic Plan RFP, 8 West Running Brook Middle School Façade and Roof Repair Design Services Proposal REVISED 2023 0927, 9 Pinkerton Academy Tuition Credit _Letter to SAU #10 Derry FY 2023 Annual Report, 10_10_23Agenda, 11 Policy BEDH, 14 a) DCSD October 1 Enrollment Report Page 1 , 14 a) DCSD October 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, 14 a) ENGAGE-NH-Flyer-English-2023
- OCTOBER 24 (agenda, video)
- attachments: 6 a) Restructuring Plan_Decision on 2024_2025 Elementary School Boundaries, 7 a) Facilties Discussion_Capital Improvements, 8 _Business Administrator Update October 19, 2023, 8_Fiscal Update - FY24 - 10.19.23- Food, 8_Fiscal Update - FY24 - 10.19.23- GF, 11 Volunteer Fingerprinting Evening Appointment Session Flyer
- *NOVEMBER 6 - PUBLIC FORUM - 7:00 PM, Derry Village Elementary School (agenda, presentation, video)
- NOVEMBER 14 (agenda, video)
- attachments: Business Administrator Update November 14, 2023, Donation from Derry Village Rotary Club, Letter from Greater Derry Oral Health Collaborative Corporation, November 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, November 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Strategic Plan RFP
- *NOVEMBER 20 - PUBLIC FORUM - 7:00 PM, South Range Elementary School (agenda, presentation, minutes, video)
- NOVEMBER 28 - (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: 2023-2024 Revised Pinkerton Academy Calendar, Business Administrator's Update, ConVal Lawsuit Decision
- DECEMBER 12 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: Business Administrator's Report, December 1, 2023 Enrollment Report, Revised School Board Meeting Schedule
- DECEMBER 15 (agenda)
- JANUARY 9 *PUBLIC HEARING @ 6:00 PM / REGULAR BOARD MEETING TO FOLLOW (agenda, public hearing minutes, meeting minutes, video)
- attachments: 2024 WARRANT, 2024-2025 Budget Presentation, 2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration, Business Administrator Update January 9, 2024 (2), JANUARY 1ST ENROLLMENT PG1, JANUARY 1ST ENROLLMENT PG2, School Board Application, School Board Vacancy Public Notice 2024, School District Moderator Application, School District Moderator Public Notice 2024, South Range Elementary School Opinion of Market Value
- JANUARY 30 (agenda, minutes, video)
attachments: DCSD 2024-2025 School Calendar, Derry Cooperative School District Final FY23 ESSER Monitoring Report, Fourth Allocation of Supply Chain Assistance Funds, Restructuring Update 1_30_24, SAU10 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Round 4
- FEBRUARY 3 *DELIBERATIVE SESSION, 10:00 AM, WEST RUNNING BROOK MIDDLE SCHOOL (2024 MS-26, 2024 MS-DSB, 2024 Warrant, 2024 Warrant with ammended #7, 2023 DSD Annual Report)
- FEBRUARY 13 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: Business Administrator Update February 13, 2024, Curriculum Update Presentation - School Board 2_13_24, DCSD School Capacity Report, February Enrollment Report, Proposal (Bid) Form - Barka Elementary School, Restructuring Plan Update 2_13_24, Roof Replacements & Repairs Derry SAU Leveling Sheets
- *FEBRUARY 20 - PUBLIC FORUM - 7:00 PM, West Running Brook Middle School (agenda, presentation, minutes, video)
- MARCH 4 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- MARCH 11 *MONDAY (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: Curriculum Update_Intermediate School Presentation - 3_11_24, March 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, March 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Policy ACN, Policy ADB_GBEC, Policy DAF-1, Policy DAF-2, Policy DAF-3, Policy DAF-4, Policy DAF-5, Policy DAF-6, Policy DAF-7, Policy DAF-8, Policy DAF-9, Policy DAF-10, Policy DAF-11, Policy DAF, Policy DFGA, Policy DKC, Policy EBCC, Policy EHAB, Policy EHB-R, Policy EHB, Policy GADA, Policy GBCD, Policy GBEC_ADB, Policy JCA, Policy JKAA, Policy KCD, Policy KI, Restructuring Plan Update 3_11_24, Revised BA Update 3-11-24
- MARCH 26 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: Gale Associates - Spec spallSTOP_10K, 2024 School Election Results, Business Administrator Update March 26, 2024, Davis Demograpics Report, Gale Associates - 75% Design Submission Letter 2024 0130
- APRIL 2 - 6:00 PM, West Running Brook Middle School (agenda, ,presentation, minutes, video)
- attachments: Budget Discussion _Proposed Budget Reductions, Budget Presentation - 4_2_24
- APRIL 3 - 6:00 PM, West Running Brook Middle School (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- APRIL 9 - (agenda, presentation, minutes, video)
- attachments: April 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, April 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Budget Reductions, Business Administrator-Pinkerton 6 Year History, Business Administrators Update, Honeywell Transmittal Letter, Honeywell Year 5 Cost Avoidance Report, Poly ACN, Policy ADB_GBEC, Policy DAF-1, Policy DAF-2, Policy DAF-3, Policy DAF-4, Policy DAF-5, Policy DAF-6, Policy DAF-7, Policy DAF-8, Policy DAF-9, Policy DAF-10, Policy DAF-11, Policy DAF, Policy DFGA, Policy DKC, Policy EBCC, Policy EHAB, Policy EHB, Policy EHB-R, Policy GADA, Policy GBDC, Policy GBEC_ADB, Policy JCA, Policy JKAA, Policy KCD, Policy KI, Revised Budget Reductions as Per April 9, 2024 School Board Meeting, Transportation Presentation April 9, 2024, Unassigned Fund Balance Sheet as of April 5, 2024, Year 5 Honeywell Guaranteed Cost Avoidance School Board Presentation
- APRIL 16 - School Board Workshop, 6 PM, SAU office (agenda)
- MAY 14 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreement, Building Facade at West Running Brook Middle School_Example Picture of Netting 1, Building Facade at West Running Brook Middle School_Example Picture of Netting, Business Administrator's Update, East Derry Memorial Elementary School Fire Alarm System_RFP Comparisons, Fiscal Advisory Committee Application One-Year Term, Fiscal Advisory Committee Application Three-Year Term, Fiscal Advisory Committee Application Two-Year Term, Fiscal Advisory Committee Openings Public Notice, Honeywell Update _2023-08-24-Derry Schools Ph 3-Att A, Honeywell Update_04-25-24DerrySchools_Meeting_Agenda, Honeywell Update_05-02-24DerrySchools_Meeting_Agenda, Honeywell Update_05-09-24DerrySchools_Meeting_Agenda, Honeywell Update_Derry Schools Preliminary Construction Schedule, May 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, May 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Strategic Planning Update_DCSD Survey Poster
- MAY 21 - West Running Brook Middle School Library, 5:45 PM (agenda, minutes)
- MAY 28 CELEBRATION OF THE RETIREES - 6:00 PM, West Running Brook Middle School (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachments: Effective School Boards, Board Members and Efficient Meetings, Summer School Board Meeting Schedules
- JUNE 10 *MONDAY (agenda, video)
- attachments: June 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, June 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Opinion of Market Value of Derry Village Elementary School
- JUNE 25 (agenda, minutes, video)
- attachements: Davis Demographics Presentation, Davis Demographics Report, Curriculum Presentation
Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at the Derry Municipal Center, 14 Manning Street, 3rd Floor Meeting Room, at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted*.
Below is the 2022-2023 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- JULY 12 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Food Service Meal Price Increase in 2022-2023
- JULY 19 - Facilities Workshop (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- AUGUST 9 (agenda, minutes, YouTube video)
- attachments: 21-22 Unreserved Fund Balance Presentation 8-5, 2022-2023 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE, 2023-2024 Proposed Budget Meeting Schedule, District Enrollment 2022-2023 August 4, 2022
- AUGUST 30 - Facilities Workshop (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2022 RoofTrac_Draft, Facilities Master Planning Workshop 8-30-22, Rooftop Pictures Derry Cooperative School District
- SEPTEMBER 6 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 21-22 Retained Funds Update 9-6-22, 2022-2023 Enrollment Update, Children's Dental Health Network Letter July 2022, Communications - Social Media Presentation, HealthTrust - No Return of Surplus Anticipated for 2022, Reopening Plan 2022-2023, Technology and Transportation Update 9_6_2022
- SEPTEMBER 27 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Children's Dental Health Network, Competency-Based Education, Extraordinary Needs Grant - SB420 - Frequently Asked Questions_Final, NHSBA Training_Effective Meetings, Goals, Agendas & Parliamentary Procedure, September Enrollment Report
- OCTOBER 4 - Facilities Workshop (agenda, minutes, YouTube video)
- attachments: Derry Roofing Spreadsheet Maintenance, Facilities Master Planning Workshop Update 10_04_22, Facilities Presentation 10.04.22
- OCTOBER 11 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2022-2023 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, Derry School Board Presentation 10-11-22, Donation of Piano, Honeywell HVAC Improvements - ESSER III, NHSBA Training Session - #1 T-RTK Meetings Non-public Sessions 2022-10-12, NHSBA Training Session - #2 Non-Public Minutes Checklist 2021-10 WJP, NHSBA Training Session - #3 RSA 91-A as of 2021-10- Excerpts for School Districts, NHSBA Training Session - #4 RTK Meeting Flow Chart 2017, October 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, October 1 Enrollment Report Page 2
- OCTOBER 20 - Facilities Workshop (agenda, minutes, YouTube video)
- attachments: 1) Plan A Facilities Workshop 10.20.22, 2) 69.2 Million Bond Facilities Workshop 10.20.22, 3) Plan B Facilities Workshop 10.20.22, 4) 25.8 Million Bond Facilities Workshop 10.20.22, Facilities Master Planning Workshop October 20, 2022
- OCTOBER 25 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Competency Presentation, Draft of Facilities Survey, Jobin Construction Consultants Proposal, Pinkerton Academy Enrollment Information
- NOVEMBER 2 - Public Hearing re: Facilities Master Planning (information flyer, agenda, minutes, Facilities Public Hearing Q & A, presentation, livestream)
- NOVEMBER 15 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Correspondence October 26, 2022, Derry Village Rotary Club Donation November 1, 2022, Facilities Public Hearing Q & A, fy24-25-ranked-list-approved-by-sboe, November 1 Enrollment Report, Technology_Transportation Update11-15-22, WRBMS Outdoor Classroom Donation November 2022, WRBMS Outdoor Classroom Donation October 2022
- NOVEMBER 29 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Competency Report Cards, Elementary School Report Card Sample, Facilities Update November 29_2022, FY2023-24 Budget Presentation, Middle School Report Card Sample, Pinkerton Academy Enrollment Information, Pinkerton Academy FY 23-24 Annual Operating Budget and Tuition, Pinkerton Academy FY 2023-24 Budget Narrative, Summary of Maintenance Work Orders 2020-2022, Work Order Summary List 2020-2022
- DECEMBER 1 - Facilities Workshop (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Consultants - Sheet1, Facilities Repair Items - Barka, Facilities Repair Items - DVS (1), Facilities Repair Items - East Derry, Facilities Repair Items - Gilbert H Hood, Facilities Repair Items - Grinnell, Facilities Repair Items - South Range, Facilities Repair Items - Summary Page, Facilities Repair Items - West Running Brook
- DECEMBER 13 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Budget Update for Board Mtg. 12_13_22, December 1 Enrollment Report, Donation from the Barka Family, FY 23-24 Budget - December 12-14-22 - Summary Sheet, Pinkerton Academy Derry College Matriculation-2022
- JANUARY 10 - PUBLIC HEARING / REGULAR BOARD MEETING TO FOLLOW (public hearing notice, agenda, public hearing presentation, public hearing summary 23-24, public hearing minutes, board meeting minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2023 WARRANT, FY 23-24 Budget - Budget Meeting 6 - Public Hearing January 10, 2023 - Presentation, January 1 Enrollment Report, Proposed Budget 2023-2024 Summary, PTA Meetings Discussion, Public Hearing Summary 23-24, Request for Policy Committee Meeting, SB Application (one year term), SB Application (three year term), SB Vacancy Public Notice 2023, School Board Policy BGF, Thank You Letter from Greater Derry Oral Health Collaborative Corporation
- JANUARY 23 - Facilities Workshop, 6:30 PM, WRBMS Cafeteria - cancelled - rescheduled to 1/31/23 (see below)
- JANUARY 24 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2023-2024 School Calendar, ConVal Lawsuit Update, Gales Associates 0111 2023 Derry Village Elementary Facade Eval, Gale Associates 0111 2023 South Range Elementary Facade Eval, Gale Associates 0111 2023 West Running Brook Facade Eval
- JANUARY 31 - 6:15 PM, WRBMS Cafeteria (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Gales Associates 0111 2023 Derry Village Elementary Facade Eval, Gale Associates 0111 2023 South Range Elementary Facade Eval, Gale Associates 0111 2023 West Running Brook Facade Eval
- JANUARY 31 - Facilities Workshop, 6:30 PM, WRBMS Cafeteria (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Facilities Presentation - 1_31_2023
- FEBRUARY 4 - DELIBERATIVE SESSION, 10:00 AM, WRBMS Gymnasium (minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: FY 23-24 Budget - Budget Meeting 7 - Deliberative Session February 4, 2023 - Presentation
- FEBRUARY 14 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2023-2024 School Calendar, BBBF, EBBD, EBCD, EBCE, EHAB, Facilities Presentation - 02_14_23, February 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, February 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, IHBAA, JIBB, JLCB, JLCF, Parent Comments_Questions to School Board
- MARCH 7 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: BBBF, EBBD, EBCD, EBCE, EHAB, IHBAA, JIBB, JLCB, JLCF, Pinkerton Academy 5-Year Enrollment Projections, Walking & Bike Paths Letter, WRB Walking & Bike Path Plans
- MARCH 28 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Certified School Election Results 2023, Gale Associates Building Envelope Bid, March 1 Enrollment Report, R.J. Kenney Associates Building Envelope Bid, RFP_RFQ Bid Tabulation Sheet
- APRIL 11 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2023 Summer Learning Path, 2023-2024 Enrollment Update, April 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, April 1 Enrollment Report Page 2
- APRIL 22 - School Board Workshop, 8 AM, SAU office (agenda, minutes)
- MAY 9 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2023-2024 School Board Goals, Adult Education & Literacy Budget Projections, Adult Education & Literacy FY24 Budget Worksheet, Adult Education & Literacy Memo from NH Department of Education, Business Administrator's Update May 9, 2023, May 1 Enrollment Report,
- MAY 23 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2023-2024 School Board Goals, 2023-2024 School Board Meetings Schedule, Auditor's Letter, Auditor's Report of Financial Statements, Pinkerton 6 year History - Amount Billed
- JUNE 6 (agenda, minutes, YouTube video)
- attachments: 2023-2024 School Board Meetings Schedule, Business Administrator's Update, Donation of Hurdles, Gale Associates - Derry Village School DRAFT Evaluation Report 2023 0601, Gale Associates - South Range School DRAFT Evaluation Report 2023, Gale Associates - Updated Final Derry Village School Evaluation Report 2023 0605 (1), Gale Associates - Updated Final South Range School Evaluation Report 2023 0605, Gale Associates Board Presentation 6.6.23, Honeywell Report - Structural Areas of Concern, Honeywell Report- Structural Issues
- JUNE 20 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2023-2024 School Board Meetings Schedule, First Student Transportation Agreement for Services , First Student Transportation Revised Pricing, Gale Associates _West Running Brook Middle School Report, Gale Associates Presentation on West Running Brook Middle School, Honeywell ESSER III-Funded HVAC Proposal, June 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, June 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Technology Update 6_20_2023, Thank You Card from Joyce Waterhouse, Thank You Note from Joyce Calvetti, Email from Mr. Grabowski
Meetings are held at West Running Brook Middle School’s Cafeteria at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted.
Below is the 2021-2022 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- JULY 6 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- JULY 13 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2021-2022 Budget Meeting Schedule, 2021-2022 Enrollment 7_13_21
- AUGUST 17 (agenda, Message from Erika Cohen, chair of the Derry School Board, minutes , livestream video)
- attachments: 3 Proposed MoU with DCSD 2021-2022, 5 a) Policy JI, Student Rights and Responsibilities 08_17_2021, 5 b) Policy JIC, Student Conduct 08_17_2021, 5 c) Policy JICD, Student Conduct, Discipline & Due Process Safe School Zone 08_17_2021, 5 d) Policy KEC, Reconsideration of Instructional Material 08_17_2021, 9 2021-2022 School Board Meeting Schedule, 10 b) Synopsis of Construction Planning Committee Meetings-July and August 2021, 2021-2022 Roadmap to Reopening Schools, Updated Roadmap to Reopening Schools Presentation August 17, 2021
- AUGUST 31 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Derry Village Rotary Club Donation August 2021, Policy JI - Student Rights and Responsibilities, Policy JIC - Student Conduct, Policy JICD - Student Conduct, Discipline & Due Process Safe School Zone, Policy KEC - Reconsideration of Instructional Material.
- SEPTEMBER 14 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: *2020-2021 - School Board - GF Budget Update, *Facility Assessment Progress Update 1.0, *Lavalle update 2, *Lavallee Update 1, 2021-22 School Board Meeting Schedule - School Presentations, September 1 2021 Enrollment 2021-2022 Page 1, September 1 2021 Enrollment 2021-2022 Page 2.
- SEPTEMBER 28 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 20-21 Unreserved Fund School Board Presentation Sept 2021, NHDES Notice of Acceptance of Permit Application September 16, 2021, United Way Donation
- OCTOBER 12 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Donation from Staples October 2021, Enrollment 2021-2022 page 1 October 1 2021, Enrollment 2021-2022 page 2 October 1 2021, Home to School presentation, October 4, 2021 Notice from the DOE of Additional Funding for Food Service
- OCTOBER 26 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: GDBD: Support Staff Retirement Benefits, IMBA: Distance Learning _ Remote Learning, Lavallee Brensinger Presentation October 26, 2021, PA 5 year History, PA Town Count 10_15_21, Pinkerton 5 year History, Staples Donation
- NOVEMBER 9 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 4 a) Policy GDBD, Support Staff Retirement Benefits, 4 b) Policy IMBA, Distance Learning & Remote Learning, 4 c) Policy BEDH, Public Participation at School Board Meetings, 4 d) Policy GBCD, Background Investigation and Criminal Records Check, 5 Request for Donation from Greater Derry Oral Health Collaborative Corporation Request for Donation, 9 a) Enrollment 2021-2022 page 1 Nov 2021, 9 a) Enrollment 2021-2022 page 2 Nov 2021
- NOVEMBER 30 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Letter of Closure E Derry Memorial Elem Sch_Derry, Policy BEDH, Policy GBCD
- DECEMBER 14 - PUBLIC HEARING @ WRBMS, 6:30PM (notice) - to consider acceptance of the PFAS Remediation Grant through the NH Department of Environmental Services funds
- DECEMBER 14 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2021-2022 Roadmap to Reopening Schools Updated December 14, 2021, Budget Presentation 1.11.22 - FY23 Budget - Summary Sheet, Davis Demographics Presentation 12-14-21, DCSD Curriculum Overview 2021, December 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, December 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Derry Public Water System - Manchester Water Works 2021 Chlorine Conversion, Proposed Budget Update
- JANUARY 11 - PUBLIC HEARING @ 6:00 PM / REGULAR BOARD MEETING TO FOLLOW (NOTICE) (agenda, public hearing minutes, school board meeting minutes, livestream video) Presentation
- attachments: 5 2022 WARRANT, 7 2022 Candidate Filing Period (1), 7 School Board Application, 9 a. JIC-R, Student Code of Conduct, 9 b. GBK, Staff Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances, 9 c. GBI, Staff Participation in Political Activities, 9 d. IJOC, School Volunteers, 9 e. IJOC-R, Important Regulations for Volunteers, 9 f. District Anti-Discrimination Plan, 12 a. January 1, 2022 Enrollment Report Page 1, 12 a. January 1, 2022 Enrollment Report Page 2
- JANUARY 18 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- JANUARY 25 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: DCSD 2022-2023 School Calendar, Honeywell Year 3 Cost Avoidance Report, LOA Derry Superintendent Search, Policy GCG: Part-Time and Substitute Professional Staff Employment (Substitute Teachers), Policy IJ: Instructional Materials, Policy IJL: Library Materials Selection and Adoption, Policy JICD: Student Conduct Discipline & Due Process Safe School Zone, Policy JICK: Student Safety and Violence Prevention - Bullying
- FEBRUARY 1 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- FEBRUARY 5 - DELIBERATIVE SESSION, 10:00 AM, WRBMS Gymnasium (minutes, Presentation, livestream video)
- FEBRUARY 8 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 21st Century Learning Community Corporation 2020-2021 Grant Presentation, February 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, February 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Pinkerton Academy Class of 2021 College Matriculation Report, Policy GCG: Part-Time and Substitute Professional Staff Employment (Substitute Teachers), Policy IJ : Instructional Materials, Policy IJL: Library Materials Selection and Adoption, Policy JICD: Student Conduct Discipline & Due Process Safe School Zone, Policy JICK: Student Safety and Violence Prevention - Bullying
- FEBRUARY 22 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Building Aid Process, DCSD 2021-2022 Reopening Plan, Safe Measures Survey 02_22_2022, School Board Presentation_Update to Reopening Plan, February 2022, Volunteer Fingerprinting Evening Appointment Session Flyer, Waiver request LOI deadline_approved_DerrySAU10_2022
- MARCH 15 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2021-2022 Reopening Plan (3_11_2022), Derry Town and School Unofficial Election Results 2022, Honeywell Year 3 Cost Avoidance Report, March 1 Enrollment Report (Page 1), March 1 Enrollment Report (Page 2), Policy EEAEA: Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing - School Bus Drivers, Policy IGE: Exceptions to Specific Course Material, Policy IHBG: Home Education, Policy JIBB: Student Liaison to the School Board, Year 3 Honeywell Guaranteed Cost Avoidance School Board Presentation
- MARCH 24 (agenda, minutes) - workshop
- MARCH 29 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Eversource Donation, Pinkerton Academy Town Counts 3-18-22, Policy EEAEA: Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing - School Bus Drivers, Policy IGE: Exceptions to Specific Course Material, Policy IHBG: Home Education, Policy JIBB: Student Liaison to the School Board
- APRIL 7 (agenda, minutes, livestream video, presentation) - School Board Public Forum: Facilities Master Plan and Options for Consideration
- APRIL 12 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2022 Summer Learning Path Flyer, April 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, April 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Curriculum, Instruction, Learning and Assessment Update April 12, 2022, Facilities Study Timeline, Policy DAF-1, Policy DAF-3, Policy DAF-10, Policy DIA, Policy EEAA, Policy JCA
- APRIL 14 (agenda)
- APRIL 19 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- APRIL 21 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- MAY 4 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- MAY 10 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Fiscal Advisory Public Notice, Letter from First Student, PA Response to Chester SB Chair-May2022, Policy BDFA, Policy DAF-1, Policy DAF-3, Policy DAF-10, Policy DIA, Policy EBBB, Policy EBCA, Policy EEAA, Policy EEAG, Policy JCA, Policy JLCF, Policy JLCJA
- MAY 24 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 7 a) Policy BDFA: Fiscal Advisory Committee, 7 b) Policy EBCA: Crisis Prevention & Emergency Response Plans, 7 c) Policy JLCJA: Sports Injury Emergency Action Plan, 7 d) Policy EBBB: Accident Reports, 7 e) Policy JLCF: Wellness, 7 f) Policy EEAG: Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students, 10 May 1, 2022 Enrollment Report Page 1, 10 May 1, 2022 Enrollment Report Page 2, 21-050-00 DCSD Amendment No1 Lavallee Brensinger, DCSD Top Issues Noted at Each School, Derry Coop FFY21 Sig Dispro Analysis Ident Place Letter 5.10.22 (1), Derry Cooperative FFY21 Sig Dispro Ident Place 5.10.22 (1), Facilities Committee Presentation 5-24, May 4 2022 Minutes, May 10 2022 Minutes
- JUNE 7 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Appendix A 2022-2025 Co-Curricular Activities, ESSER III Fund Program Assurances, Facilities Master Plan Updates (Updated 6-7), June 1 Enrollment Report Page 1, June 1 Enrollment Report Page 2, Policy BCC, Policy GBCD, Policy GCAA, Policy IJOC, SB Aid Application Checklist
- JUNE 21 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2022-23 Federal Program Assurances, Correspondence from Red Star Productions, Facilities Master Plan Update June 21 2021-DRAFT, FY 2023 General Assurances, High School Committee PA Presentation, Policy BCC, Policy GBCD, Policy GCA, Policy IJOC, Revised 2022-2023 School Calendar, SB 2022-2023 Meetings 1, SB 2022-2023 Meetings 2, Thank You Card
Meetings are held at West Running Brook Middle School’s Cafeteria at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted.
Below is the 2020-2021 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- JULY 14 - remote meeting (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 4 a). JLDBB, 4 b). EBCF, 4 c). IKAB, 4 d). IKA, 4 e). IK, 4 f). IHCA, 4 g). JH, 6. Unreserved Fund School Board Presentation July 2020, 7. 2019-2020 - Food Service Board - June 30, 2020, 7. 2019-2020 - GF Budget Update - 6.30.20, Roadmap to Reopening Schools: Overview of Options Presentation
- JULY 28 - In-person, GHHMS (agenda, minutes, livestream video) - Nonpublic Session - 6:00pm, GHHMS; Public Hearing on CARES Act Funds Acceptance - 6:30pm, GHHMS (DCSD School Board "Roadmap to Reopening Schools" Presentation 07/28/20)
- attachments: 3. Roadmap to Reopening Schools, 5. DRAFT DCSD 2020-2021 School Calendar, 7 a). JLDBB, 7 b). IKAB, 7 c). IKA, 7 d). IK, 7 e). IHCA, 7 f). JH
- AUGUST 6 - In-person, WRBMS - 7:00pm (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2020-2021 ARLP Draft 08-05-2020, Face Coverings_Masks Update to Reopening Schools Plan August 6 2020, Revised 2020-2021 School Calendar August 4, 2020
- AUGUST 11 - In-person, WRBMS - 6:30pm (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- AUGUST 25 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 3. Governor Sununu's Emergency Order #64, 4. Policy IHBB, Enrichment Programming.pdf, 13. 2020-2021 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE.pdf, Revised August 21, 2020 Roadmap to Reopening Schools
- SEPTEMBER 8 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: CBA DCSB and UFCW International Union, Local 1445, September 1 2020 Enrollment Page 1, September 1 2020 Enrollment Page 2
- SEPTEMBER 22 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Derry Cooperative School District Considerations for Transitioning Between School Instructional Models, Policy IKAB
- OCTOBER 13 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments : 3. _HVAC Assessment, 3. Derry Schools T&M Inspection Synopsis, 4. Inclement Weather Remote Learning Plan 10. 2020, 6 a). Policy IKAB, Student Progress Report, 6 b). Policy IJNDB, Digital Literacy and Technology Integration, 6 c). Policy JLC, Student Health Services, 6 d). Policy JLCD, Administering Medication to Students, 6 e). Procedures for Administering Medication to Students JLCD-R, 6 f). Policy JLCE_EBBC, First Aid and Emergency Medical Care, 6 g). Policy IHAM Health Education and Exemption from Instruction, 6 h). Policy EHAC, Electronic_Digital Records and Signatures, 6 i). Policy GBAA, Sexual Discrimination, Harassment and Violence - Employees, 6 j). GBAA Exhibit, Sexual Harassment Complaint Form, 6 k). Policy JBAA, Sexual Discrimination, Harassment and Violence - Students, 6 l). Anti-Discrimination Plan, 11 a). Enrollment 2020-2021 page 1 Oct 1 2020, 11 a). Enrollment 2020-2021 page 2 Oct 1 2020, 11 b). 2021-2022 Budget Meeting Schedule, 11 c) The Opioid Crisis Effect on Families
- OCTOBER 27 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 3. Considerations for Transitioning Between School Instructional Models - School Board Presentation October 27, 2020, 6 a. Policy IJNDB, Digital Literacy and Technology Integration, 6 b. Policy JLC, Student Health Services, 6 c. Policy JLCD, Administering Medication to Students, 6 d. Policy JLCD-R, Procedures for Administering Medication to Students, 6 e. Policy JLCE_EBBC, First Aid and Emergency Medical Care, 6 f. Policy IHAM Health Education and Exemption from Instruction, 6 g. Policy EHAC, Electronic_Digital Records and Signatures, 6 h. Policy GBAA, Sexual Discrimination, Harassment and Violence - Employees, 6 i. GBAA Exhibit, Sexual Harassment Complaint Form, 6 j. Policy JBAA, Sexual Discrimination, Harassment and Violence - Students, 6 k. Anti-Discrimination Plan, 8. Food Service Update 10_22_20, 8. General Fund Updated FY21, 10. Reimagine Hood Park
- NOVEMBER 10 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments : 7. Draft - Synchronous Remote Learning Options 12. November 1 Enrollment Report page 1, 12. November 1 Enrollment Report page 2, Proposed MoU with DCSD 2020-2021
- NOVEMBER 12 (agenda, minutes) - Emergency School Board Public Session
- NOVEMBER 16 (agenda, minutes) - Special School Board Public Session
- DECEMBER 8 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments : 3. Revised DCSD 2020-2021 School Calendar November 2020, 13 a). Enrollment 2020-2021 page 1 Dec 1, 13 a). Enrollment 2020-2021 page 2 Dec 1, 13 b). More than a Meal Application Flyer_FINAL
- JANUARY 5 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments : 3 a). DGA_DGB - Authorized Signatures_Check-Writing Services, 3 b). DK - Payment Procedures, 3 c). GBCD - Background Investigation and Criminal History Records Check, 3 d). JICD - Student Conduct, Discipline and Due Process Safe School Zone, 8. School Food Authority Annual Distribution, Planning for a Transition to a Hybrid Instructional Model
- JANUARY 19 (agenda, public hearing minutes, meeting minutes, livestream video) - PUBLIC HEARING @ 6:00 PM / REGULAR BOARD MEETING TO FOLLOW
- FEBRUARY 6 (minutes, livestream video)- DELIBERATIVE SESSION, 10:00 AM, WRBMS Gymnasium
- FEBRUARY 9 (agenda, livestream video)
- attachments: DCSD 2021-2022 School Calendar, Department of Environmental Services Notice of Violation, Enrollment 20-21 page 2 Feb 1 2021, Enrollment 2020-2021 page 1 Feb 12021, NH Derry School District Ph2 Year 2 cost avoidance report_Final, Trident OPM Proposal Master Planning 01.19.2021 alm
- MARCH 2 (agenda, minutes, livestream video, Presentation: Updated Guidance for Transitioning to In-Person Learning)
- MARCH 11 (agenda, minutes) - workshop
- MARCH 23 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 3 LEA COVID FUNDING, 3 Procurement Fact Sheet 2-28-20, 3 Supplies Fact Sheet, 3 Time and Effort Fact Sheet, 3 Wages in Construction Contracts - 1-26-21, 4 2021 Election Results, 5 a) Policy GBGA, Staff Health, 5 b) Policy JLCJ, Concussions and Head Injuries, 5 c) Post-Concussion Return to Academics, 14 a) March 1 Enrollment Report page 1, 14 a) March 1 Enrollment Report page 2, 14 b) Middle School Spring Athletics Letter
- APRIL 13 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Enrollment 2020-2021 page 1 April 1 2021, Enrollment 2020-2021 page 2 April 1 2021, PPE Donation from Ocean State Job Lot
- APRIL 19 (agenda, minutes, livestream video) - West Running Brook Middle School’s Cafeteria at 6:00 PM
- MAY 11 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Balancing Direct Instruction & Technology Presentation, Covid Costs and Revenues Presentation 5.11.21, DCSD Family Letter April 23, 2021, East Derry Memorial Elementary School Water 20210504090937, Enrollment 2020-2021 page 1 May 1 2021, Enrollment 2020-2021 page 2 May 1 2021, Fiscal Advisory Committee Application, Fiscal Advisory Committee Public Notice
- MAY 13 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- MAY 19 (agenda) - Nonpublic Session
- MAY 25 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: Counselor School Board Presentation 5_25_21, Derry Village Rotary Club Masks Donation, Early Childhood Education Program Coordinator, IGE, IKE, JCA, Long Range Plan
- JUNE 8 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2021-2022 SUMMER SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE, Enrollment 2020-2021 page 1 June 1 2021, Enrollment 2020-2021 page 2 June 1 2021, IGE, IKE, JCA, Vision of 2021-2022 Reopening Plan
- JUNE 22 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2021-2022 Roadmap to Reopening Schools, Presentation Roadmap to Reopening Schools Derry Cooperative School District
Meetings are held at West Running Brook Middle School’s Cafeteria at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted.
Below is the 2019-2020 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at West Running Brook Middle School’s Cafeteria and this year will begin at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- JULY 16* (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (19-20 Kindergarten Enrollment July 2019, Derry Cooperative School District Food Service 19-20 Prices, Honeywell Construction Period-Year 1 Projected Energy Savings Report Overview 7-16-19 Meeting, School Board NWEA Presentation 07-16-19)
- AUGUST 20* (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (1_1 ChromeBooks School Board 8_20_19, 19-20 Enrollment Update, 2019 NH SAS Presentation, Final Report Derry Coop. School District Special Education Study August 20, 2019, PA 2019 Post Secondary Report)
- SEPTEMBER 10 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (CDN summary 2018-19 Derry, Enrollment 19_20, Enrollment 092019, EPB Aug 26, 2019, PA August newsletter, SRS Newsletter 8-28-19, WRBMS August 30, 2019)
- SEPTEMBER 24 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (2019 PA SEXUAL ASSAULT ALLEGATIONS, 2019-2020 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE, 2019 PA ALLEGATIONS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, 2020-2021 Budget Meeting Schedule, Enrollment Update, Fingerprint Flyer, Kindergarten Full Day School Board Presentation, WRBMS RUMOR SCHOOL SAFETY, WRBMS September 13)
- OCTOBER 8 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Basic Overview of Special Education Process, DCSD Cyber Safety and Bullying Information Night - October 17, 2019, Enrollment 2019-2020 Oct 2019, EPB October Newsletter End_68_Hours, EPB October Newsletter, EPB Parents_Night_Out, Financial Update as of 9.30.19, Grinnell September_newsletter_2019, Kindergarten Community Forum Flyer, SRS Newsletter, Town of Derry Annual Report 2019,WRB Friday Focus)
- OCTOBER 22 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- NOVEMBER 5 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (11.05.19 - General Fund Financial Report, 2019-2020 Enrollment Update, EDMES Newsletter Attach, EDMES Newsletter Attachment, EDMES Newsletter, Grinnell Oct. 2019 newsletter, Pinkerton Academy count 10-25-19, School Funding & Property Taxes Derry November 5, 2019, SRS_Newsletter, Survey, WRBMS 9 October 25)
- NOVEMBER 19 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (19-20 Blizzard Bag Letter to Parents, Enrollment 11 2019, EPB Nov. 1, 2019, EPB Paint Night Information, Finance General Fund 11.14.19, Food Service 11.14.19, Nov 14 Letter to PA Board of Trustees, WRBMS 11 November 8)
- DECEMBER 10 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (2019-2020 Pinkerton Academy School Calendar (rev. 11.25.19), DAVIS DEMOGRAPHICS Summary Package of Information - Derry, DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY DERRY COOPERATIVE SCHOOL DISTRICT, Enrollment 2019-2020 Dec 1, Grinnell November_newsletter_19, PA Memo to Sending Town Superintendents FY 2020_21 Tuition, Press Release 2020 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY DATE, WRBMS November 22)
- JANUARY 7 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Enrollment 2019-2020 Jan 1, SRS 12-19-19 Newsletter, WRB December 20, 2019 Newsletter)
- JANUARY 14 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- JANUARY 21 - PUBLIC HEARING @ 6:30 PM / REGULAR BOARD MEETING TO FOLLOW (agenda, minutes, public hearing minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (B. 2020 WARRANT, C. 2020 Candidate Filing Period, C. School Board Application, D. Medicaid 11_19_19 Comments on proposed rule(2) (1), D. Medicaid Rulemaking Notice, D. Medicaid to Schools 1_21_2020, D. Medicaid to Schools Final Letter to Districts 12-26-19, D. medicaid-to-schools, D. Order Document Medicaid to Schools, D. Title XV Education, G. 2019-2020 - GF Budget Update - 1.16.20, G. 2019-2020 Food Service Free-Reduced - 1.16.20, H. EPB January_8__2020, H. Judge Broderick's Middle School Visit, I. New Hampshire Municipal Bond Bank)
- FEBRUARY 8 - DELIBERATIVE SESSION (nonpublic agenda, presentation, livestream video)
- FEBRUARY 18 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (2019-nCoV Information for Schools_01-31-2020, Davis Demographics Ten Year Student Population Projections by Residence Report, DCSD 2020-2021 School Calendar, Enrollment 2019-2020 page 1 Feb 1, Enrollment 2019-2020 page 2 Feb 1, EPB February_Newsletter, GRINNELL Jan newsletter19-20, mts provider guidance sfy 2020-05, mts provider guidance sfy 2020-06, School Calendar 2020-2021 Staff Survey - Google Forms, SRS 1-29-2020 Newsletter, SurveyMonkey Parent_Guardian School Calendar 2020_21, Waterford Longitudinal Study, Waterford UPSTART Flyer, WRBMS 22 February 7)
- MARCH 3 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (EDMES Newsletter, WRBMS 24 February 21, SRS Newsletter 2-20-2020, Kindergarten Registration_Pre-Registration March Comparison)
- MARCH 14 - EMERGENCY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING 4:00PM (agenda, minutes)
- MARCH 24 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments (A. SCHOOL ELECTION RESULTS 2020, B. FY 2020 Adult Education Grant Application, C. Smoothie Grant, D. Family Letter Remote Learning Plan DCSD March 18, 2020, D. Remote Learning Plan March 2020)
- APRIL 1 (agenda, livestream video)
- attachments (policy IKA, Surplus Medical Supplies 3-20)
- APRIL 14 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments (#8 Trimester 3 Grading, A. School Board Meeting Minutes March 24 2020, C. AC_GBA, C. GCCBC, D. Remote Learning Survey Results, E. 2020-2021 Kindergarten Registration Update, F. Covid_Pandemic Costs, F. Food Service April 2020, F. General Fund Update April 2020, G. Enrollment 2019-2020 page 1 April 1, G. Enrollment 2019-2020 page 2 April 1)
- MAY 12 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments (B. Next Charter School Expansion Proposal 5.12.2020, D. Policy ACA, D. Policy JG, E. 2020-2021 Kindergarten Enrollment Update, F. Fiscal Advisory Committee Public Notice, F. Fiscal Advisory Committee Application, G. Enrollment 19_20 page two May 1, G. Enrollment 2019-2020 page 1 May 1)
- May 14 (agenda) - School Board workshop, remote meeting
- MAY 26 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments (C. a) Policy IKB, Homework, C. b) Policy DKC, Expense and Travel Reimbursement, C. c) Policy ACA, Anti-Harassment and Discrimination, C. d) Policy JG, Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels, E. 2020-2021 Enrollment Update, F. ESY Parent Letter Remote Learning)
- JUNE 2 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments (5. a) Policy IKB, Homework, 5. b) Policy DKC, Expense and Travel Reimbursement, 5. c) Policy EBCF, Pandemic_Epidemic Emergencies, 6. 2020-2021 Enrollment Update, 9. Summer School Board Meeting Schedule)
- JUNE 16 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments (C. New Hampshire Audubon Grant, D. Derry Early Education Program June Derry Remote Learning Feedback - Google Forms, D. Derry Village June Derry Remote Learning Feedback - Google Forms, D. East Derry Memorial June Derry Remote Learning Feedback - Google Forms, D. Ernest P. Barka June Derry Remote Learning Feedback - Google Forms, D. Gilbert H. Hood Middle School Remote Learning Survey - Google Forms, D. Grinnell June Derry Remote Learning Feedback - Google Forms, D. South Range June Derry Remote Learning Feedback - Google Forms, D. West Running Brook Middle School Remote Learning Survey - Google Forms, E. 2020 Summer Learning Plan, F. Enrollment 2019-2020 page 1 June 1, F. Enrollment 2019-2020 page 2)
Meetings are held at West Running Brook Middle School’s Cafeteria at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted.
* Meetings during the summer will be held at West Running Brook Middle School in the Library.
Below is the 2018-2019 School Board meeting schedule to date.(Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- JULY 10 * (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (2018-2019 Enrollment Update, Unreserved Fund School Board Presentation July 2018)
- JULY 31 * (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (17-18 Blizzard Bag Survey July 31, 2018, 17-18-Enrollment-Update,Policy BEDH, Policy EFAA, Stephen A. Miller Gymnasium)
- AUGUST 21 * (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (Enrollment Update 08/21/18)
- SEPTEMBER 4 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (Policy EFAA, GHHMS September 1 Newsletter, WRBMS Friday Focus)
- SEPTEMBER 18 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (2019-2020 Budget Meeting Calendar, EDMES Newsletter 8-31-18,Enrollment 2018-19, NWEA Presentation 09-18-18, SRS 8-30-18 Newsletter, WRBMS Friday Focus 9-7-18)
- OCTOBER 9 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (G5-6 Literacy Presentation 10.9.18, DCSD September 2018 Newsletter, Derry Workshop Flyer, DVS October 2018 Newsletter, Fingerprinting Appointments Evening Session, GHHMS Sept 17 Newsletter, October 1 2018 Enrollment Report, SRS 9-26-18newsletter, WRBMS 9.28.18 - Friday Focus)
- OCTOBER 23 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (NH SAS Presentation 10/23/18, EDMES Newsletter 10-9-18, WRBMS 10-12-18 Friday Focus)
- OCTOBER 30 -Nonpublic cancelled
- NOVEMBER 1 (agenda) - Nonpublic
- NOVEMBER 13 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (2018 Tax Rate Announcement, Choose Love Movement Flyer, EDMES Newsletter 11-08-18, EPB Food Drive 2018, EPB Nov 5, 2018, Facilities Presentation, Final Memorandum PA Headmaster 10-25-18, GHHMS Nov 7 Newsletter, Handout for Presentation, SRS Math and Science Connection, SRS 10-26-18 Newsletter, WRBMS 11-02-18 Friday Focus)
- NOVEMBER 27 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (19-20 Kindergarten Enrollment, 2019-20 Budget Memo to Sending towns 11-19-18, DCSD Newsletter November 2018, Final Revised PA School Calendar 2018-2019, Follow-Up Comments Questions to November 13 Board Meeting)
- DECEMBER 11 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (Computers in the Derry School District, Derry Cooperative School District Facilities Study Committee - A Look Back - 12/11/18, Derry Workshop Flyer 01-31-19, EDMES Newsletter 12-04-18, EPB Dec. 3, 2018 Newsletter, Facilities Presentation 12-11-18 FINAL COPY, GHHMS Nov. 28 Newsletter)
- JANUARY 3 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- JANUARY 15 (agenda,minutes,public hearing minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (2019 WARRANT FOR BALLOT 01 15 2019, 2019-2020 Budget Highlights, DVS School Newsletter, EDMES Newsletter 1-07-19, Enrollment 01/2019, EPB January 7, 2019, Grinnell Elementary School Newsletter, Kindergarten Comparison Board 1-15-18, GHHMS Jan 9 Newsletter, Middle School Golf Tournament Flyer, School Reconfiguration Survey Results, SRS 12-19-18 Newsletter, WRBMS 1-4-19 Friday Focus)
- JANUARY 29 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (2019-2020 calendar, GRINNELL SCHOOL Newsletter Dec2018/Jan2019, SCHOOL RECONFIGURATION DECISION JANUARY-29-2019, WRBMS 1-18-19 Friday_Focus)
- FEBRUARY 13 (amended agenda,minutes,livestream video) The School Board meeting scheduled for February 12 has been postponed to Wednesday, February 13 due to the impending snow storm.
- attachments: (EDMES Newsletter 2-6-19, Enrollment 2018-2019, Enrollment 2018-2019 Pg 2, EPB Newsletter February 1, 2019, GHHMS Newsletter Janaurary 25, 2019, GHHMS Newsletter January 2019 Course Night Flyer, SRS Jan 2019 Newsletter)
- MARCH 5 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (2018-2019 Enrollment Update (revised 3/6/19), 2019-2020 Kindergarten Enrollment Update, GHHMS Newsletter 02-2019, Kindergarten Screening and Orientation 2019, Letter to Parents of 5th Grade Students NWEA SB Report 03-05-19, Policy EHAB - Data Governance and Security, Policy EHB-R - Local Records Retention Schedule, Policy JKAA - Restraints Seclusion and Intentional Physical Contact, Policy JLCF - Wellness, RFP Enrollment and Demographic Study, SRS 2-20-19 Newsletter, WRBMS 2-22-19 Friday Focus)
- MARCH 26 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (2019-2020 Kindergarten Enrollment Update, Autism Workshop, Derry School District Proposal Rev 3-15-19, DVS March 2019 Newsletter, EDMES Newsletter 3-6-19 Enrollment 2018-2019, EPB Newsletter March 2019, GHHMS March 8, 2019 Newsletter, March 12, 2019 School Election Results, OOD Placement History Presentation 3-26-19, WRBMS 3-15-19 Friday Focus)
- APRIL 9 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (AttachmentB: SB 247 Letter, AttachmentC: 2018-2019 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE revised April 4, 2019, AttachmentE: I A S Report 19-04-09, AttachmentF: a) GHHMS 1, GHHMS 2, GHHMS Newsletter, SRS 3-27-19 Newsletter, WRBMS 3-29-19 Friday Focus, b) 19-20 Kindergarten Enrollment, c) April 1 Enrollment Report pg 1, April 1 Enrollment Report pg 2, d) Copper Cannon Memo, e) 2018-2019 End of the Year Dates to Remember)
- MAY 7 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (AttachmentF616 determinations criteria, AttachmentFDerry Cooperative Determinations Letter, AttachmentFExplanation of Rubric Scoring 2017-2018, AttachmentFFFY 2017 Derry Cooperative Determinations, AttachmentFSpecial Education Study Parent Focus Group Board flyer, AttachmentG19-20 Kindergarten Enrollment Update, AttachmentGChoose Love Movement Flyer, AttachmentGDCSD Newsletter May 2019, AttachmentGDVS Newsletter April, AttachmentGEDMES Newsletter, AttachmentGGHHMS (2), AttachmentGGHHMS 2019 PA Summer CTE Camp, AttachmentGGHHMS April 11, 2019 Newsletter, AttachmentGPinkerton Academy April Clocktower Times, AttachmentGPTA Shredding Fundraiser Flyer, AttachmentGWRBMS 4.19.19 Friday Focus)
- MAY 21 (The regular meeting will begin at 6:30 PM.) (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (2019-2020 Kindergarten Enrollment Update, EDMES May Newsletter, Enrollment 2018-2019 Pg. 1, Enrollment 2018-2019 Pg. 2, EPB May Newsletter, GHHMS May Newsletter, WRBMS 5-10-19 Friday Focus)
- JUNE 4 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (Pinkerton Academy Press Release 5-23-19, SRS 5-24-19 Newsletter, WRBMS 5-24-19 Friday Focus)
- JUNE 11 (agenda) - Workshop, 5:30 p.m., Superintendent’s Office
- JUNE 18 (agenda,minutes,livestream video)
- attachments: (EDMES Newsletter 6-7-19)
- JUNE 25 (agenda,minutes)
Meetings are held at West Running Brook Middle School’s Cafeteria at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted.
* Meetings during the summer will be held at Gilbert H. Hood Middle School in the Library.
Below is the 2017-2018 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- JULY18 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Blizzard Bag Survey)
- JULY 26 (agenda) - Nonpublic
- AUGUST 1 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (PA School Calendar 2017-2018, PA Letter to Superintendents/SchoolBoards - 7/26/17)
- AUGUST 22 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- SEPTEMBER 12 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- SEPTEMBER 19 (agenda) - Nonpublic
- SEPTEMBER 26 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (GHHMS Letter to Parents, Letter from NHDOE, Math and Science Connection, Technical Advisory)
- OCTOBER 3 (agenda, minutes)
- October 10 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (FSC Final October 2017, Appendices & PowerPoint Presentation, SRS 9-28-17 Newsletter, SRS Bumper Sticker)
- OCTOBER 24 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (EDMES Newsletter 10-10-17, EPB Newsletter 10-05-17, GHHMS Weekly Newsletter 10-13-17, FSC 10/24/17 Update, Grade 5-6 and 7-8 Proposed Configuration Fact Sheet)
- NOVEMBER 9 (agenda) - Nonpublic
- NOVEMBER 14 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: 2017 Tax Rate, 6th Grade Distribution Chart, DEEP Newsletter, EDMES Newsletter 11-01-17, ELC addendum NHSAA Enrollment, ELC Report 11-14-17, EPB 11-01-2017, GHHMS Newsletter 11-03-17, SRS 10-24-17 Newsletter
- NOVEMBER 28 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Attachment B 5th to 6th Middle School Placement, Attachment B 2018-19 Grade 6 Enrollment Suggestion, Attachment C School Board Presentation November 28,2017, Attachment D ILDA, Attachment D JICFA, Attachment E FS Budget Update 17-18, Attachment E GF Budget Update 17-18)
- DECEMBER 12 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Curriculum Newsletter December 2017, DCSD Elementary Facility Projections December 12, 2017, Derry Demographic Update December 2017, EDMES Newsletter 12-04-17, GHHMS Newsletter, Summary of NHSAA Update)
- JANUARY 9 – PUBLIC HEARING @ 6:30 PM / REGULAR BOARD MEETING TO FOLLOW (agenda, board meeting minutes, public hearing minutes, livestream video)
- JANUARY 12 (agenda) - Nonpublic
- JANUARY 23 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Curriculum Newsletter - January 2018, EPB Newsletter, GHHMS Newsletter, Version-1 DCSD Calendar 18-19, Version 2 DCSD Calendar 18-19)
- JANUARY 30 (agenda, minutes) - Work Session
- FEBRUARY 10 – DELIBERATIVE SESSION @ 10:00 AM (minutes, livestream video)
- FEBRUARY 13 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Announcement to Pinkerton Community Feb 2018, Annual Financial Statements Year Ending June 2017, DCSD 2018-2019 Calendar, EDMES Newsletter 2-1-18, EPB Newsletter-02-01-18, GHHMS Newsletter 02-02-18, GHHMS PTSA 8th Gr parent letter, Kindergarten Screening Process, PA School Calendar 2018-2019 Approved)
- MARCH 6 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- MARCH 27 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (All-Town Band Concert Welcome Letter 2018, Facility Projections Elementary Color Coded - Budget Projections, Facility Projections Elementary Color Coded - December 2017 Enrollment, Facility Projections Elementary Color Coded - NHSAA Projections, Facility Projections Middle School Color Coded - Budget Projections, Facility Projections Middle School Color Coded - December 2017 Enrollment, Facility Projections Middle School Color Coded - NHSAA Projections, March School Board Presentation Grade 5-8 Model)
- APRIL 10 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (18-19 Kindergarten Enrollment Update, 2018 Touch A Truck Flyer, EDMES Newsletter 4-3-18, Enrollment 2017-2018 (04/01/18), Enrollment 2017-2018 (04/01/18) Page 2, GHHMS Newsletter 03/30/18, NH DOE Letter)
- April 16 (agenda) - Work Session
- April 24 (agenda, minutes)
- MAY 8 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (2018-2019 Projected Enrollment, EDMES Newsletter 05-02-18, Enrollment 2017-2018, Enrollment 2017-2018 Pg 2, GHHMS Newsletter Middle School Golf Tournament, GHHMS Newsletter Pinkerton Academy CTE - 2018 Summer Camp, GHHMS Newsletter Summer Camp Reg, GHHMS Newsletter 04-20-18, Kindergarten Enrollment Comparison 17-18 and 18-19, Kindergarten Screening Update, Pinkerton Academy Memo May 3, 2018)
- MAY 22 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (2018-19 School Board Meeting Schedule, GHHMS golf brochure, GHHMS Newsletter 5-11-18, May School Board Presentation Grade 5-8 Model (updated))
- MAY 29, 2018, 6:00 PM, Pinkerton Academy, Astro Café (Informational Meeting of Sending School Representatives and Pinkerton Academy Board of Trustees)
- JUNE 12 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- JUNE 26 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (EDMES Newspaper, PA Spring 2018 Letter, Policy EHB-R Local Records Retention Schedule, Policy JIBB)
Below is the 2016-2017 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- JULY 9 (agenda) - Work Session
- JULY 12 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Honeywell Phase II Additional Proposal Options - Derry School District (updated July 12, 2016), Enrollment, PA Business Manager Letter)
- JULY 26 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Honeywell Phase II Energy Savings & Capital Improvement Facilities Project Financing - July 26, 2016, Enrollment, Substitute Utilization Report)
- AUGUST 16 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Assistant Superintendent's Report, School Board Goals (2016-2017),Enrollment)
- AUGUST 30 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (2016-2017 School Board Meeting Schedule, Enrollment, 2016 Summer Building Projects)
- SEPTEMBER 6 (agenda) - Nonpublic
- SEPTEMBER 20 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Report, 2017-2018 Budget Meeting Schedule, Derry Village Elementary School September Newsletter, East Derry Memorial Elementary School September Newsletter,Enrollment, Pinkerton Academy College Admissions & Post-Secondary Attendance Report, September Curriculum Newsletter, SRS Math + Science Connection, South Range Elementary School September Newsletter)
- OCTOBER 11 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Assistant Superintendent Report, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Report, Class of 2016 Colleges Attending, Enrollment 2016-2017,Kindergarten Registration, Kindergarten Registration Brochure, EDMES Newsletter, GHHMS Newsletter, Pinkerton Academy Annual Audited Financial Report, SRS Newsletter)
- OCTOBER 25 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Grant from CATS, NH Regional Listening Tour Flyer)
- NOVEMBER 15 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Assistant Superintendent Report, Curriculum Newsletter, Derry Schools Construction Schedule 11-07-16, Derry Schools Construction Schedule Summary 11-07-16, EDMES Newsletter 11-01-16, November 1 Enrollment, SRS Newsletter 10-24-16)
- NOVEMBER 29 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Honeywell Project Update, SRS Newsletter 11/22/16)
- DECEMBER 13 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Report 12/13/16,Assistant Superintendent Report - December 2016, December 1 Enrollment Report,December Curriculum Newsletter, EDMES Newsletter 12/06/16)
- JANUARY 10 – PUBLIC HEARING (agenda, public hearing minutes, board meeting minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Assistant Superintendent's Report - January 10, 2017, January Curriculum Newsletter, DVS Newsletter - December 2016, EDMES Newsletter - January 2017, January 1 Enrollment Report, Palmer Oil, SRS Newsletter - December 2016)
- JANUARY 31 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- FEBRUARY 4 – DELIBERATIVE SESSION @ 10AM (minutes, livestream video)
- FEBRUARY 21 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (2016 Demographic Analysis Enrollment Projections Update, DVS Newsletter, EDMES Newsletter 2-2-17, February 1 Enrollment Report, SRS 1-30-17 Newsletter)
- February 22 - Facilities Committee Public Forum (livestream video)
- MARCH 7 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Annual Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2016, SRS Newsletter 02/22/17)
- MARCH 28 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- APRIL 4 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (Additional Recess Presentation, Grade 6 Reassignment, Kindergarten Enrollment (registrations), Public Notice Mosquito Control, SRS Math & Science Connection, SRS Newsletter)
- APRIL 18 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (EDMES Newsletter 4-7-17, Enrollment (April 1), TOUCH A TRUCK FLYER)
- MAY 9 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (EDMES Newsletter 05-03-17, Enrollment (May 1), May Enrollment Page 2, PACE Presentation May 2017, SRS Newsletter April 20, 2017, SRS Clean up Week Flyer)
- MAY 23 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- JUNE 13 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- attachments: (EDMES Newsletter 05-31-17, SRS 5-26-17 Newsletter, Parent Brief NH ESSA Plan 05-22-17)
- June 27 (agenda, minutes, livestream video
Below is the 2015-2016 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- July 7 (agenda, livestream video)
- August 4 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- August 25 (agenda, minutes, livestream video - rescheduled from August 18)
- September 8 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- September 15 (agenda) - Nonpublic
- September 22 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- October 6 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- October 20 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- November 10 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- November 24 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- December 15 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- January 5 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- January 12 (agenda, minutes, public hearing minutes, livestream video)
- January 26 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- January 30 (livestream video) Deliberative School District Meeting
- February 16 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- March 1 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- March 17 (agenda) - Work Session
- March 22 (agenda, minutes, livestream video)
- April 12 (agenda, minutes, attachments, livestream video)
- May 3 (agenda, minutes, attachments, livestream video)
- May 24 (agenda, minutes, attachments, 2016-2017 Projected Enrollment Report, livestream video)
- June 7 (agenda, minutes, attachments, livestream video)
- June 21 (agenda, minutes, attachments (updated 6/27/16), livestream video)
Below is the 2014-2015 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- July 18 (agenda, minutes, video) - Rescheduled from July 15.
- August 12 (agenda, minutes, video)
- August 26 (agenda, minutes, video)
- September 9 (agenda, minutes, video)
- September 16 - Budget Work Session (agenda)
- September 23 (agenda, minutes, video)
- October 14 (agenda, minutes, video)
- October 28 (agenda, minutes, video)
- November 18 (one meeting for the month) (agenda, minutes, video)
- November 24 (Public Forum - Assessment of Educational Facility Needs Report K-8) (agenda, minutes, video)
- December 2 (agenda, minutes, video)
- December 16 (agenda, minutes, video)
- January 13 (Public Hearing on Proposed 2015-16 Budget, 6:30 pm WRB Cafeteria, School Board Public Session following Public Hearing WRB Cafeteria) (agenda, meeting minutes, public hearing minutes, meeting video, public hearing video)
- January 20 (agenda)
- February 3 (agenda, public forum minutes, public forum video, meeting minutes, meeting video) - Rescheduled from January 27
- February 10 (agenda, minutes, video)
- March 3 (agenda, minutes, video, livestream video)
- March 17 (agenda, minutes, video, livestream video)
- March 31 (agenda, minutes, video, livestream video)
- April 14 (agenda, minutes, video, livestream video)
- May 12 (agenda, minutes, video, livestream video)
- May 26 (agenda, minutes, video, livestream video)
- May 30 - Non Public Work Session (agenda)
- June 9 (agenda, minutes, video, livestream video)
- June 23 (agenda, minutes, video, livestream video)
Below is the 2013-2014 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- July 16, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video) This meeting will begin at 7:30 pm.
- August 13 (agenda, minutes, video)
- August 27 (agenda, minutes, video)
- September 10 (agenda, minutes, video)
- September 24 (agenda, minutes, video)
- October 8 (agenda, minutes, video)
- October 15 (workshop agenda)
- October 22 (agenda, minutes, video)
- November 12 (agenda, minutes)
- November 26 (agenda, minutes, video)
- December 17 (agenda) - This meeting was canceled due to inclement weather.
- January 14 (agenda, minutes, video)
- January 21 (agenda, public hearing minutes, meeting minutes, public hearing/meeting video) - following Public Hearing for proposed 2014-2015 School District budget
- January 23 (agenda) - Pinkerton Academy Trustee’s Sending Town Meeting
- January 29 (agenda) - Budget Information Session - WRB Library
- February 8 (agenda, minutes, video) - Public Session 9:00 am WRB Library, 10:00 am Deliberative Session
- February 11 (agenda, minutes, video)
- March 4 (agenda, minutes, video)
- March 25 (minutes, video)
- April 8 (agenda, minutes, video)
- April 22 (agenda, minutes, video)
- May 6 (agenda) - work session
- May 13 (minutes, video)
- May 19 (agenda)
- May 20 - work session
- May 27 (agenda, minutes, video)
- June 3 - meeting with NEXT Charter School
- June 10 (agenda, minutes, video)
- June 17 (agenda, minutes)
Below is the 2012-2013 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- July 11, 2012 (agenda, minutes, video)
- August 7, 2012 (agenda, minutes, video)
- August 28, 2012 (agenda, minutes, video)
- September 12, 2012 (moved to Wednesday due to voting on Tuesday, September 11, 2012) (minutes, video)
- September 25, 2012 (agenda, minutes, video)
- October 9, 2012 (agenda, minutes, video)
- October 23, 2012 (agenda, minutes, video)
- November 13, 2012 (agenda, minutes, video)
- November 27, 2012 (agenda, minutes, video)
- December 11, 2012 (agenda, minutes, video)
- January 8, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video, public hearing minutes, public hearing video)
- January 22, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video)
- Annual School District Meeting, Saturday, February 02, 2013, 10 am, West Running Brook Gymnasium (video)
- February 12, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video)
- March 5, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video)
- March 26, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video)
- April 9, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video)
- April 19, 2013 (agenda, minutes)
- May 1, 2013 - Public Hearing (agenda, minutes, video)
- May 14, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video)
- May 28, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video, deliberative session video)
- June 11, 2013 (agenda, minutes, video)
Below is the 2011-2012 School Board meeting schedule to date. (Meetings are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. When changes are made to a regularly scheduled meeting, they will be posted and announced at School Board meetings.)
- July 5, 2011 (agenda, minutes)
- July 12, 2011 (agenda, minutes)
- July 26, 2011 - Special Meeting (agenda, presentation, minutes)
- August 9, 2011 (agenda, minutes) (minutes of Public Hearing prior to Board Meeting.)
- August 23, 2011 - Special Meeting
- September 13, 2011 (agenda, minutes)
- September 27, 2011 (agenda, minutes)
- October 3, 2011 (agenda)
- October 11, 2011 (agenda, minutes)
- October 25, 2011 (minutes)
- November 8, 2011 (minutes)
- November 22, 2011 (agenda, minutes)
- December 6, 2011 (agenda, minutes)
- December 20, 2011 (minutes)
- January 3, 2012 (agenda, minutes)
- January 17, 2012 (agenda, minutes) (Public Hearing on the Proposed 2012-13 Budget, 6PM, minutes)
- January 24, 2012 (agenda, minutes) (Annual School District Meeting, Saturday, Feb. 04, 2012, 10 am, West Running Brook Gymnasium)
- February 14, 2012 (agenda, minutes)
- March 6, 2012 (agenda, minutes)
- March 12, 2012 (agenda, minutes)
- March 27, 2012 (agenda, minutes)
- April 10, 2012 (agenda, minutes)
- May 1, 2012 (agenda, minutes)
- May 22, 2012 (agenda, minutes)
- June 12, 2012 (agenda, minutes)